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Our School


Our mission is to create a learning environment that promotes high academic achievement, capitalizes on student career interests and attitudes, prepares students for college, and encourages student involvement in order to produce responsible and successful citizens.

About Our School

South Grand Prairie High School is a 6-A comprehensive high school that has a culturally and economically diverse population that represents the multicultural makeup of one of the largest metropolitan areas of the US.

South Grand Prairie High School prides itself on building a deliberate academic plan for all students; developing a campus culture that is committed to closing gaps; and counseling that provides instructional focus to meet student needs. This effort was designed to address preparation for post-secondary studies. The academic curriculum offers all courses required by the State of Texas for the mastery of standards for each grade level.

School Hours



School Characteristics

  • Four-year comprehensive public high school
  • Approximate enrollment (9 -12 campus): 3500 students
  • Flexible plans of study based on the Career Pathways from Achieve Texas.

School History

South Grand Prairie High School originally opened in the fall of 1969 with 448 students enrolled, of which 87 were seniors. The first campus was housed at the original Jackson Middle School. In the spring of 1972 SGP moved into its permanent home at the corner of Corn Valley Road and Warrior Trail. Two major renovations to accommodate increases in enrollment have occurred. Additions included 20 classrooms, 3 computer labs, a suite of administrative offices and a competition gymnasium. The exterior of the building was also refurbished.

A new tech systems lab in the Browning Combs Vocational Center was added in 1998, and another classroom in the same building was transformed in 1999 into an art gallery to showcase art from both high schools. A new college & career center housed in the library was completed in the 1999-2000 school year and named for former career counselor Richard Parsons.

In 2010, a high-tech theater was added for choir and theatrical performances and staff development. Then in  2011, a new updated, state of the art Gym facility is being added to the ever growing campus, known as South Grand Prairie HS.

In 1999 South Grand Prairie was named a "New American High School National Showcase Site" by the U. S. Department of Education. In 2002 the front of the building was completely redesigned, and the SGPHS 9th Grade Campus was built adjacent to the main campus. Since that time many career academy courses have been implemented and acknowledged. In 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 our school received a "Recognized" status from the Texas Education Agency. SGP has met the "No Child Left Behind" AYP standards every year since 2003, and received Gold Performance Acknowledgments for a Recommended High School Program (Class of 2003).

In the spring of 2007, SGP received a grant to become part of the SREB and the HSTW new Enhanced Schools Network. Over a two year period, the administration and staff will work toward even more improvement via the 'best practices' recommended by this program. Specifically included is a concentrated literacy emphasis, which at SGP will be our WRAD program - Writing and Reading across Disciplines.