Intro to Health Science
This course is designed to create an awareness of career possibilities in health care and inform students of the educational options available for health science and health technology programs. Instruction includes beginning anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, medical ethics, diseases, and disorders. The course prepares students for the Medical Anatomy/Physiology course and/or for a variety of health technology programs.
Sports Medicine I
It is a class to be offered to high school students to provide an opportunity for the study and application of the components of sports medicine. Semester one can be an avenue to recruit athletic training students and educate students about sports medicine careers.
Purpose of the Course
A regular health class or clinical rotation cannot address the many facets of careers in medicine. Students in general are unaware of the variety of careers offered in medicine, specifically sports medicine, the education required for those careers, and the responsibilities that accompany the careers.
Sports Medicine acknowledges student interest in medicinal professions and sports related fields of study. The course provides exposure to:
• anatomy/physiology;
• psychology of sport and injury;
• injury recognition and evaluation;
• injury prevention;
• injury care;
• career opportunities;
• professional liability and responsibilities
• budget and facility design.
Sports Medicine bridges the gap between health class and clinical rotation for students interested in medical related careers, including but not limited to sports medicine, athletic training, orthopedics, and physical therapy. The extensive knowledge acquired in anatomy/physiology, injury prevention, recognition and care of injuries provides students necessary tools to deal with the management of their own personal medical care. An informed society is greatly needed to make decisions in health care and health management.
Health Science 1
This course focuses on therapeutic, diagnostic, health informatics, support services, and biotechnology research and development pathways of a health science cluster career. The course is designed to develop healthcare specific knowledge and skills, both academic and technical, necessary for transition to work-based learning experiences in healthcare. The foundational standards incorporate anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, communication, healthcare systems and teams, health science career research, legal and ethical practice, safety, health and wellness, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and first aid.
Anatomy and Physiology
This laboratory-based course addresses the structure and function of the human body. Topics to be covered are the digestive system, how the body processes maintain homeostasis, electrical conduction interactions, the body’s transport systems and a comparative study of the body’s anatomical structure and physiological functions. This course may count as the 4th year science credit.
Medical Microbiology
This course is a laboratory-based study of the relationship between microbes and health maintenance. Emphasis will be placed on the chemical processes and characteristics of microorganisms and their roles in infectious diseases. Students will be introduced to Microbiological lab techniques and research. This course may count as the 4th year science credit under the Recommended High School Plan if taken with Pathophysiology.
This course is a laboratory-based study of the mechanisms of pathology. Emphasis will be placed on the biological and chemical processes at the cellular level. Topics to be covered will be mutations and other factors that contribute to disease, stages of the progression of diseases and the body’s natural prevention/control. This course may count as the 4th year science credit Recommended High School Plan if taken with Medical Microbiology. This course may allow the student to earn college credit.
Sports Medicine II
This course is designed for athletic training students. It provides an in-depth study and application of the components of sports medicine including but not limited t basic rehabilitative techniques; therapeutic modalities; wound care, taping and bandaging techniques, prevention, recognition, and care of musculoskeletal injuries; injuries to the young athlete; drugs in sports; modern issues in sports medicine. Individualized and independent assignments will be included in this course. This course will involve outside-of-class time homework and time required working with athletes and athletic teams.
Medical Terminology
Students will learn the basic structure of medical terms, be able to use abbreviations, acronyms, symbols, and anatomical terms,and use resources to interpret technical materials. Students will learn to communicate effectively in diagnostic, therapeutic, informational, and environmental systems of the health care industry.